My name is Claudia and I am a mother to three beautiful girls – two on earth and one in heaven. While I’ve held many titles in my life, ‘mommy’ is by far my favorite and most rewarding. But in 2017, it was also the most heart breaking.
As a former communications professional, I’m good at sharing other people’s stories, but not my own. I’m also ultra private with my personal life. Giving birth to my daughter Liliana and then losing her was the most vulnerable time of my life. My instinct was to shut down and tell no one. So sharing intimate details on this blog is way beyond my comfort zone and has brought me much anxiety over the weeks before I launched it. But in my darkest hours after losing Liliana, three things kept me going – my faith, my family and reading the stories of the strong women who walked this path before me. I wept with them about losing their babies as if every one had just happened. And I rejoiced over small graces they received and breathed a little lighter as they started to come out from under the heaviness of their grief.
In the earliest days when my grief was still raw, it helped to talk (or write) about Liliana. And hopefully it will help others to read about her. I am proud to have carried her. I am proud to be her mama. And I am proud to share her story and see the good that I know will come from it.